our God RDent Fanatics Calcutta chapter

Calcutta chapter
Music Shops

Join the chapter

Are you a Pancham fan? Do you live in Calcutta? Then you must become a member of the RDent Fanatics Calcutta chapter.

For joining the group, simply send an email to calcutta@panchamonline.com with your complete name, email address, phone number/cellular phone number (if any), the area in Calcutta where you live, web address (if any) and ICQ number (if any). We would appreciate a small writeup on you and your relation with Pancham & His music... like the ones you find in the members section.

After sending the email, wait till you get the confirmation in reply. Then you are officially added as a member of the chapter. Once you are added as a member of the chapter, you are automatically added to the worldwide fanlist at www.panchamonline.com. Alternatively, you can join the main worldwide list and explicitly mention Calcutta as your place of residence. Another way is to contact Amit, Nilangshu or SouravC anyway (personally, on phone or through a letter delivered by the pigeon :-)) and ask for addition to the list.

So what are you waiting for? Drop us an email right away!

Site designed & maintained by
yet another RDent fanatic
Amit Kumar Sharma, amit@miracle-design.net

Webspace generously provided by
RDent fanatic
Vinay P Jain, vpj@bigfoot.com